Workshop description
Aerial Movement Research Workshop with Elodie Doñaque
This workshop offers an exploration aimed at moving on aerial equipment with more awareness, and therefore more freely.
Untying, kneading and articulating one’s body as a circus performer, making it available, conscious and reactive, refining one’s musicality to compose forms of suspended dance.
As a dancer and circus performer, I draw inspiration from elements learned in my dance training to feed my aerial movement work.
Dissociation for efforts to be made only when they are necessary, recycling natural momentum, the movement’s internal energy, looking for bounces.
Freeing the body from all superfluous tension, starting from releasing to then juggle between muscular tension and release, taking, releasing. Spirals: developing movement fluidity and continuity in order to go beyond the static aspects imposed by circus as a form.
Rhythm: playing with the body’s musicality. Moving attuned to the music to explore different movement dynamics and qualities.
Breath: moving while integrating notions such as big/small, inside/outside, breathe in/breathe out.
Defining the motor of one’s movement, working on details.
The body / object / space relationship.
Practical information
The goal of this workshop is to provide participants with research tools for them to become autonomous in their own practice and creative process.
The workshop can take place with artists of different levels. I adapt exercises according to the participants’ level.
The work I propose starts with an investigation on the ground that is then applied at aerial level.
I can work with trapeze artists or other aerial disciplines.
Since 2004, Elodie Doñaque has regularly been invited as a guest teacher to lead aerial movement masterclasses in various schools and institutions: ESAC (Brussels), CODARTS (Rotterdam) ACAPA (Tilburg) Espace Catastrophe (Brussels), Centre des arts du cirque Le Lido (Toulouse), Flic Scuola di circo (Turin), Scuola di circo Vertigo (Grugliasco), La Central del Circ (Barcelona…
Photo copyright Sophie Saporosi /
A heartfelt thank you to the FLIC Torino students